Chapter 21

In return, Martin gave Colin the I love you, too signal by squeezing his elbow.

As they approached Piccadilly Circus underground station, Martin said, “Something wet just brushed my cheek. Is it snowing?”

“It’s just starting to, yes.”

“Oh, fantastic, snow at Christmas time,” Matt said, smiling broadly. “Chrissie falls in the middle of summer at home. It always seems a bit silly sending out cards with snow and stuff on them.” Matt tilted his head up to the sky to catch a few flakes.

Colin bet the snow falling had made his uncle’s Christmas.

* * * *

The tube station, like the shops and the pavements, was very busy. Colin kept Martin well away from the edge of the platform as they waited for the next train to arrive. Just before it did, Colin told Martin to expect a whoosh of warm air.

Martin sneezed.

“Sorry, I forgot to tell you how dusty it gets down here,” Colin said, handing Martin a paper tissue.