“Those galars in there,” Matt pointed a thumb back at the reception building, “couldn’t organise a bloody piss up in a bloody brewery.”
“Why, what’s happened?” Colin asked.
“They don’t have a record of our booking.”
“Oh,” Martin said.
“They’ve only got the one room left, so I took it. I was gonna go get us rooms somewhere else but they said everywhere’s booked up solid, it being close to Chrissy.”
“That’s okay, it’s only for one night,” Colin soothed.
“I asked for a roll-away bed, but the bloody drongoes don’t have any left. The room I managed to get only has one king-size bed.”
Martin chuckled. “Looks like I’ll be that rose you talked about a bit longer.”
This at least got Matt smiling. “Sorry, mates. This isn’t how I first wanted you two to see Oz.”
“It’s fine,” Colin yawned. “Just point me at the bed, we’ll have a kip and then we’ll go exploring.”
“After we ring home,” Martin reminded him.
* * * *