Chapter 9

Nance had kept in touch for a short time, saying she’d gotten a position at Lenox Mall, which she loved. Definitely more upscale than her old job. Some of my coworkers had remained in retail, while others had found desk jobs of some sort. It had taken me the longest to find employment.

I hadn’t heard from Seb since the last time he’d been in town, and now it was the middle of August. I hoped he was okay, though I could admit to missing the pain in the ass, after our heart to heart on my doorstep, despite his faults. We were just too different to make things really work. He was probably VP by now, knowing him. And what did that say about me, languishing in a position that I could do with my eyes closed? Where had my own ambition gone? Had I ever had any? Maybe Seb was right. Perhaps I didn’t understand how to survive in the cut-throat world in which he lived and thrived. I might have to learn if I wanted to save my sanity.