WebNovelHis Scar78.95%

Chapter 30

Sean’s parents’ house is really nice, small and white, the walls a bit rough, with a little garden in front of it. It’s near the ocean, and I must admit, it all looks very picturesque. I stand there looking around for a while, going over in my mind various ways of introducing myself, but then I realize I’m acting like a stalker. I can’t just stand here waiting until the moment is right. Will I ever feel totally ready? It isn’t like me to be this impetuous.

I take a deep breath and press the doorbell. I haven’t released it before the door opens and a very good-looking guy comes out, wearing a big smile. You don’t have to be a genius to know it’s Sean’s brother: same smile, same hair color.

“Ryan, right?”

What the fuck? I stare at him like he has four heads, because two aren’t enough.

“Yeeees?” I should ask him how he knows it’s me, but I have the feeling he’s going to tell me anyway.