“The first place I thought of was this forest. I used to come here occasionally on the weekends and go hiking. The same as a lot of other people. That was the problem, though. I didn’t want to be around a lot of people, so I got off the marked trails and made my own way. Then, for no reason I can think of, I was hit over the head and brought here.”
Baz looked into Cody’s eyes.
Cody raised his eyebrows. “Do you believe me now?”
Baz cleared his throat. “All right. I suppose I can believe that.”
Cody relaxed and realised he’d been tense the whole time. “Now, in the spirit of honesty, could you answer a couple of my questions?”
Baz shrugged and nodded.
“First of all, why did you clobber me over the head? If you’d left me alone, I might’ve never known you were out here.”