“Her name is Georgina. She lives in Florida. I prefer the cold up here. Fall and winter are my thing.”
He knew so much about me: no siblings, my parents lived in Chicago, I drove a Quest, and my last boyfriend’s name was Clay Johnsen.
I told him, “Faye’s told you a lot about me.”
“Faye likes to talk.”
“What else do you know about me?”
He chuckled. “I’m not stalking you. I’ve just paid attention to Faye when she talks to me.”
I laughed. “I get that. Tell me what else you know about me.”
“You can’t cook. You want to drive a Winnebago around the United States and visit every state. You spend hours reading.”
I huffed. “Jesus. You do know a lot about me. What did Faye tell you about Clay?”
Dugan knew everythingabout Clay Johnsen. He pretty much told me that Clay could have been the gem of my life had he not been a liar and constantly unfaithful.