Chapter 9

I immediately grabbed a butter knife, swung it in the direction of his throat, and screamed like a girl, frightened. Then I recognized his Italian-dark skin and deep brown eyes.

While dropping the butter knife into the kitchen sink, I yelled, “What the fuck, Clay? You can’t just barge in here like that!”

Clay ended up being quite good with wood, but worked with other media. Years and years as a carpenter had created the most beautiful body a man could have and a mind for construction. Six-one, cleft in his chin, beefy chest and arms, slim hips, chunky private parts, onyx-colored hair and eyes, and bright-white smile. Clay could have passed as a Hollywood star. At thirty-four, he worked as a private contractor who built anything from outdoor sheds to personal libraries and indoor gyms.

He laughed at my ludicrous butter knife attack. “I hate to barge in like this…”

I cut him off with my exact thoughts. “You love to barge in on my life. Always did. Always will.”