Chapter 33

“You’re turning into a daddy, aren’t you?”

I laughed. “We’ll see how it goes. I really don’t know anything about Daddymorphing.” I told her about my afternoon at Mazeworld with Colby Brae and how the two of us became exhausted together.

“Sounds like you’re enjoying being around the kid.”

“Honestly, I’m walking into this relationship blinded. I know next to nothing about kids.”

She had four kids of her own, all girls, and all under eighteen. “Trust me, they just need and want to be loved. That’s all. The stuff in the middle works itself out.”

It sounded like good advice, especially coming from the mother of four children. Before ending our conversation, I thanked her for the advice and covering for me.

“Call me if you need more advice. I’m here for you, Paul. Don’t sweat this. And just have some fun with it.”

I intended to do just that: have some fun. Why not? Life could be construed as short and everyone needed to play hard. Didn’t they? 43: Traveling North