Chapter 10

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Another two weeks and you can’t turn on the news without hearing the reports. A hundred dead in L.A., mostly the very old and the very young. Thirty-five dead in Orlando. Twenty more in Detroit. Overseas it’s just as bad, but this is America and we don’t hear about their tragedies because we’re always too obsessed with our own. Who cares if half of Afghanistan dies? We have our own dead and dying to worry about, thank you very much.

After the third week I stop going to work. Why bother? Everywhere I turn, people claim the world is about to end and the last thing I want to do is waste what little time I may have left. So when the alarm rings the next morning, I stay in bed.

Then I start thinking. I’m still young, you know? The salt’s not bothering me like it does so many others, but I live off carbonated drinks and fast food so I’m still doing okay. I don’t drink the water, I buy frozen foods. I’m doing pretty good.