WebNovelV Box Set12.73%

Chapter 14

So if the gym’s IT person didn’t get bent out of shape over that, he didn’t think a search for rings favored by gay men would do it. Unless the search returned cock rings. Thenhe was in trouble.

But no cock rings came up in the search results, thank God. Instead, he found a ton of cheesy rings—why was the word “gay” synonymous with “crap” to online retailers? Rings with rainbows swirled around them, rings with a double Mars symbol etched into their faces, rings with pink triangles in a pattern all the way around the finger. Rings that would get you in more fights than you wanted. Rings that told the world, in no uncertain terms, “I’m queer.”

After the first few websites he visited, Matt got frustrated and almost said the hell with it when a banner ad caught his attention. It was subtle—nothing more than two male hands, one holding the other, the same gold ring on both. Matt clicked on the ad; before the page even finished loading, he saw it.The ring he had to have.