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Chapter 33

Roger sighed, exasperated. “Fine,” he said, dropping the wet umbrella onto the floor beside his chair. “Just get off the bus already, will you? Vic has a schedule to keep. He’s probably running late now as it is, all because of you.”

At the top of the steps, Molly hesitated, unsure.

Roger shook his head. “I’ll call you. Go.”

When Molly wavered on the last step, Vic cleared his throat and rattled the door release. She took his hint and stepped down onto the sidewalk, pulling the hood of her raincoat up over her hair to keep it dry. Before she could change her mind and climb back onboard, Vic closed the doors, turning on his signal two seconds before pulling away from the curb. The city buses were notorious for barreling into traffic, and despite the weather, drivers behind Vic slowed to let him in.