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Chapter 69

As he leaned over the sink, waiting for the water to heat up, Vic called out to his lover with his mind. ::Matty? You need to use the bathroom before I start?::

The telepathy they shared was a gift, one Vic wouldn’t give up for any reason. It allowed the two men a deeper intimacy than they would have had otherwise, and their relationship flourished because of it. There were no secrets between them. If Matt were upset, Vic only had to glance through his lover’s thoughts to learn the reason why, and they each knew exactly how the other felt whenever their minds brushed together. It still staggered Vic at times to see just how sexy Matt thought him to be, and Matt never wondered about Vic’s own feelings because they were a constant between them. Just a taste of the love they shared was enough to fuel their desire for one another, even years after they first met. Time had mellowed the passion, perhaps, but their telepathy kept the lust burning.