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Chapter 86

He had the money on his credit card, he knew. Add in the coupon from the paper, and it wouldn’t be as expensive as he had feared. “Do you need to order the size thirteen?” he asked, turning his hand to watch the ring catch the light.

The salesman reached below the counter and extracted a velvet-lined box. When he opened it, Matt saw the same ring he now wore mirrored in a dozen different sizes. The salesman plucked one from the box and held it out to Matt. “Thirteen.”

“I’ll take it,” Matt breathed. He could imagine slipping it onto Vic’s finger and almost creamed himself. His pants felt too tight around a sudden erection at the thought. “I’ll take them both.”

“Are you sure?” Roxie asked. She took his hand and turned it over, palm-side up, to look at the price tag. “God, Matt. Can you afford it?”

“I want this one.” He dug out his wallet for the coupon and his credit card. “This is it. Vic always said I’d know it when I saw it and this is it, I’m telling you.”