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Chapter 107

::Tell the world,::Vic chastised silently.

Matt pulled an ignoble pout. “Sorry. I didn’t mean—”

“But you canstill communicate telepathically, right?” Kendra asked, excitement swelling in her voice.

Vic shrugged. “Yeah, that’s always there. But I don’t have much range. I practically have to be up on someone to be able to talk into their heads.”

::I really am sorry,::Matt added, rubbing his face against Vic’s shoulder.

Vic enveloped his lover’s mind with his own. ::I know, babe. I didn’t mean to snap. It’s just…why do I even have these damn powers if I can’t use them to help others? To help this little boy?::

::Maybe you can.::Matt glanced at Kendra, and out loud, suggested, “Is there any way one of the choppers could get up in the air tonight? I mean, I know it’s late, but is there any reason it can’tfly now?”

“The pilots can fly at night, sure,” Kendra said, “but no one can spot anything on the ground in the dark.”