Chapter 49

But he does want to know what DeMar’s doing here, and he can’t deny just sitting beside DeMar has him as anxious as he was the night they first met. Anxious? Hell, he’s downright scared

When they pull into Josh’s garage, DeMar sighs. It’s a dramatic sound—everything is over the top with him. “You’re mad I came.”

“No,” Josh admits. He isn’t mad, not really. At least, not at DeMar. If anything, he’s mad at himself. He’s mad he couldn’t be enough for his lover; he’s mad he was the one who couldn’t take it anymore, the one who left. And now…

Well, now DeMar’s back, and he’s happy again. And I’m mad I couldn’t make him that way. I’m mad he’s so happy without me.

DeMar tugs gently on a lock of Josh’s hair. From the corner of his eye, Josh sees a slow grin simmering on DeMar’s face. “If you’re notmad, why are you so damn grumpy?”