“I give them free tats to lay off my customers. They aren’t bad kids. Just bored.” If Scott was bothered by the cold, he didn’t show it. Closing the distance between them, he held out a hand for Chet’s coat. “Let me hang that up for you.”
Reluctantly Chet unzipped his coat. When he pulled one arm free, Scott took the empty sleeve, so Chet pirouetted to slip the other arm out, as well. He smoothed his sweater down over his flat stomach, frowning at the hint of an erection already bulging below his belt.
He felt a hand brush his cheek, then Scott’s fingers rubbed under his chin to grip it. Chet’s breath caught in his throat as he found himself forcibly turned to face Scott.
Pale hazel eyes glared at him, almost golden in the overhead lights. For a long moment they stared at each other, Chet’s gaze shifting from Scott’s left eye to his right eye and back, Scott unnerving in his intensity. “What?” Chet finally whispered.