Chapter 33

Matt didn’t mind. He loved shopping. Vic, on the other hand…

A glance at his lover brought a faint smile to Matt’s lips. Vic was holding up like a real trooper, leaning on their shopping cart with a murderous expression on his face. More than once, a frazzled housewife had started to snap at him to move out of her way, but one look from his stormy eyes put her in reverse to find a different aisle to navigate. Kids racing each other up and down the aisles stopped in his presence, their faces downcast, as if they hoped to slink past him without notice. If someone lingered in Matt’s way, he simply stood aside and let Vic barrel through. There was no, “Excuse me,” from his lover. The last jerk who took up half the aisle earned himself a snippy, “You gonna just stand there all day or what?”

As much as Vic hated shopping, Matt loved being with him, even in the grocery store.