“So help me understand this, Mr. Braunson.” She ran a hand over the top of her head to push back her cap, then smoothed down the blonde hair tied at her nape before replacing the cap. “You’re saying these boys came tearing through the lot like bats out of hell, and you basically just stood there? And they what, fell off the bikes? I mean, don’t get me wrong, you’re a very intimidating man, but seriously…”
Noticing Matt, the officer stepped forward to cut him off. “A few more minutes, Mr. diLorenzo, if you please.”
But Vic sidestepped around her and took Matt’s hand to pull him closer. “Don’t you send him away.”
With a look of relief, she rounded on Vic. “So you canspeak. Tell me—”
“Assault!” one of the bikers cried out. The others picked up his cry, and soon all three were yelling at the top of their lungs. “Assault! He attacked us! We know our rights!”