Chapter 3

Gabe’s lips tingled as if Remember was here kissing him. “All right, God. I’m ready to go now.” He sighed and began to sink into a stupor, barely registering the sound of footsteps rustling the leaves.

“Bloody hell, Gabriel. What’s happened to you? There’s blood all over you.” Someone ran his fingers over the front of Gabe’s shirt.

Could it be…? “Remember?”

“Aye. I knew you’d need a friend to watch your back.”

“You’d better get away from me. I’ve…I’ve been bit by a vampyre.” Gabe half-expected Remember to mock him. It had been more than a century since the witch trials, and no one believed in the existence of vampyres.

“If you’re just lying here, whoever did it didn’t complete the transference.”


“I’ll explain later. Right now you need help.” He pulled the big knife from his belt and nicked the vein in his wrist, much as the Englishman had done. “Okay, friend. Drink.”

“I don’t want to turn you into one such as I.”