“Is this information declassified?” Noah asked.
Gabriel smiled at him. “It’s been forty-two years.”
“Yes, but the government can be funny. I don’t want you to get in trouble.”
“No trouble. No one remembers what David and I did.” His expression was sad.
“Did you love him very much?”
“He was my black swan.”
And that was probably all he felt he had to say. After David’s death, Gabriel had refused to accept another black swan.
He reached across the table and rested his palm on Noah’s hand. “But thank you for your concern.”
Noah liked the feel of Gabriel’s hand on his and hoped the vampyre would keep it there, but Gabriel didn’t, and Noah had to force himself not to pout.
Gabriel stayed until just before sunrise, and then he left.
Three weeks later the pattern was repeated, and they talked for a while, this time about what was going on in Noah’s life. Noah mentioned Ted, although not by name. The last thing he wanted was to send a vampyre after an innocent normal.