Culminating in the Battle of Gettysburg, when a quack took his arm and his leg and gave him little in the way of sulfuric ether or chloroform to numb the pain.
And Gabriel, with blood-red tears streaming down his cheeks, eased the way for Remember to cross over.
Noah opened his eyes and blinked the tears from his lashes.
Mother Morwen rested her palm against his cheek. “So you see, you were always first in his heart.”
Noah smiled at her. “And now I am again.”
“And now you are again.” 9
“Do you hunt?” Morwen asked as she pulled up the buggy in front of her little cabin.
“I have, although not for a few years.” When the family went camping, they’d hunt for their own food, so he was familiar with a rifle and bow and arrow, as well as a sling similar to what David had used to knock down Goliath.
He stood watching as Morwen unerringly removed the harness from Daisy and set her free to graze in a nearby pasture.