Chapter 19

Coupled with shock and fear, exhaustion hit Ike hard as he labored up the five worn steps to the porch and the back door. The door opened before he reached it. Another villainous looking man stood there, his lips twisted in a sneer. This one was short and stocky, his head shaved bare in the style many in the drug culture adopted. Glancing around the room which seemed to be both living room and kitchen, Ike saw his cousin seated in a corner. He knew Chivo was not his friend, but he hadn’t expected the triumph and contempt he saw on his cousin’s face. What the fuck is going on?

Chivo’s smile bled wicked scorn. “You should not have come back, holido.You never belonged here. Your mama was my Tia Norma, and I wouldn’t say she slept with niggers, but she got you somewhere. Maybe it was your papa, or maybe his padre who was un hombre de sangre negro.They shoulda kept your black ass in that prison anyway.”

“You, you aren’t the drug boss. Can’t be. What’s your stake in this deal?”