Very gingerly, he began to pry and pick at that frame. The wood was old and splintery. Maybe he could get the window loose. He had to be quiet, but he persisted. Finally, there was enough of a crack that a bit more light filtered in and a whisper of colder air. Night would come soon. Darkness might be his friend. He made a last effort to dig a little more and then pry. The window shifted with a screechy noise.
“What was that?” The voice came from outside, maybe even in the bedroom. Close, too close. Ike sucked in a breath and held it, trying not to move a muscle.
“Oh, quit worrying. Probably a cat or something outside. Sit down. Miguel’ll be back soon, and we can get this project finished.” That was the slender man, the boss. More footsteps, but they grew softer and soon quit.
* * * *