The mother had rushed over and was screaming in Spanish, fighting to get to her son. Bear restrained her with an arm around her shoulders and spoke softly to her while signaling for Refugio.
Refugio’s face was so pale with fear as he approached them that later Bear told him he could’ve passed as Anglo. “Tell her her son’s going to be all right. The paramedics are coming.”
Refugio spoke rapidly to the frightened woman. She quieted only a little, and Bear was sure she was demanding the translator order them to remove her son from the spikes.
In the distance, a siren cut through the air, heading in their direction. Dane looked at Bear, and Bear knew they were feeling the same gut-churning relief.
Bear spoke to Refugio. “Let her know the man who’s holding her boy and I are emergency medical technicians with the fire department, and we know that lifting him off could cause bleeding inside his belly. It’s safer if the doctors remove those spikes.”