They put the dogs’ snowshoes on and let them loose, then watched as they gamboled in the snow. Blood and Cinnamon chased each other, slipping in the icy patches, pawing at the snow, sticking their noses in it and pulling back fast at its coldness, while the men laughed at their antics.
Their owners walked side by side, not worrying if their shoulders touched. After a time, they began to locate good hiding spots. When Dane sneaked a handful of snow down the back of Bear’s ski jacket, he yelled, grabbed up his own snowball, and gave chase. Eventually, panting from running in the high altitude, they ended up bent over, hands on their knees as they laughed and tried to catch their breath.
It had been years since Bear had felt this free, this boyish, with another man. This safe.
Dane lifted his face to the sky. Heavy white flakes landed on it. “I think the weatherman hit the jackpot.”