Dane pulled off the jacket. It landed on the floor with a soft swish and hands tugged his shirt out of his pants. “Raise your arms.”
Bear could feel Dane’s breath on his neck, and he shut his eyes against the warm tide that rose inside and lapped against the barrier his heart had built, almost engulfing him. He raised his arms, even as he told himself how dangerous this was. He couldn’t stop himself. He heard the muted sound of the shirt joining the jacket.
Warm hands stroked Bear’s shoulders. A cheek was laid against his back, and he felt the faint stubble of facial hair. By morning there’d be a sexy five o’clock shadow. He felt his cock finish filling.
“Are you trying to seduce me, Mr. Garritson?” It came out in a whisper.
“Damn right. I’m pretty sure you gave me the look today, but if you want me to stop, say so now. I’ve wanted you ever since I first laid eyes on you.”
Bear couldn’t have spoken if his life had depended on it.