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Chapter 42

Dan’s response was further enhanced when Scott leaned on the door and through the open window reached in and gave Dan’s shoulder a squeeze.

“Hey, I’m glad it’s you,” Scott said with a broad smile.

Dan wanted to say, “Me, too,” but merely nodded.

“So, Shadow’s not getting any better?” Dan asked.

“No. In fact, I think he’s worse,” Scot said, a worried look replacing his smile.

“Hop in. Let’s go out to the barn and see what’s going on.”

Scott walked around the front of the truck and got in. Dan was acutely aware of the man that now sat so near him. He tried to keep his eyes focused ahead and not glance at Scott.

When they got to the barn and went in, Dan walked to Shadow’s stall and looked at the horse through the bars. He could see Shadow was extremely uncomfortable. While horses often cock a back leg to rest, it’s highly unusual for one to stand taking weight off the fore hoof by pointing a toe unless they were in serious pain.