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Chapter 44

Bill listened politely and made supportive comments.

When Dan was through, Bill began to tell his side of the divorce experience without Dan asking for the information.

Bill’s tale seemed similar to Dan’s. Bill and his wife had had a baby boy. But for reasons on which Bill was a bit hazy, they had trouble making a second. That had brought on a tension which led to the break-up of their marriage.

A knock on the door brought their conversation to a close.

“Anyone in there?” a male voice asked.

Bill got up and walked to the door, opened it, and said, “Come on in, Marty.”

He stepped aside and a young man Dan recognized, but didn’t know personally came in. All Dan knew was that he worked as a vet tech in the small animal clinic.

The young man smiled. “Oh. Hi, Bi…” he started enthusiastically. Then, seeing Dan, continued with, “Uh…Dr. Henley.” He looked from Dan to Bill quizzically, his smile fading, and then said, “Oh…Hi, Dr. Parker.”

Dan nodded.