Chapter 24

“As I was saying, Thomas will be pleased to see his brother, but it will mean everything to him that you’re here.”

“That damned war. I beg your pardon, Lady Eugenia.”

“Not at all. I’ve often cursed it myself.”

I couldn’t prevent a small smile. She was such an elegant lady, it was hard to remember at times that she had a fiery temper and wasn’t afraid to release it.

Just then, Wolcott rolled in the tea trolley and set it beside Lady Eugenia.

“Thank you, Wolcott,” she said.

“Will there be anything else, milady?”


He bowed himself out of the room.

Lady Eugenia poured me a cup of tea and did the same for herself while I added two sugar cubes and a splash of milk.

“Mrs River’s biscuits?”

“Yes, please.”

I helped myself to one and finished it in two bites. “And as delicious as ever.” I took two more and put them on a small plate. “How is everything at home?”

“Thorny Walk is still under covers.”