Chapter 73

It was growing dark when we finally left the tearoom, with no sign of the moon just yet. I tipped back my head and breathed deeply. The odours that hung on the evening breeze flooded my nostrils—the cool crispness of the air, the leaves that had fallen from the trees and been crushed underfoot, the animals that made the night their home…

I helped Eira into my automobile and began the drive back to Upper Flossmere. We were silent for most of the way.

“You know, darling, it might not be a bad idea if we anticipated our vows.”

The gears howled in protest as I threw my vehicle into low when I meant to shift into high. I whipped my head around to stare at her in shock.

“Better keep your eyes on the road, Rick.”

“That was not well done. I am definitely going to wind up driving the car into a ditch because of you.”

She shifted in the seat to face me, her right leg curled under her and her arm over the back of the seat. “Sorry,” she grinned, but I could see she was unrepentant.