Chapter 97


He kissed her cheek, murmured, “Thank you,” then said, “Yes. Let’s go.”

* * * *

Roddy drove like a lunatic. He had told Dinah we were taking her car, latched his fingers in my sleeve, and dragged me out of Bertie’s townhouse and ‘round to the mews where the vehicles were garaged.

I’d known Roddy could drive—well of course I did. He’d told me he needed something to keep himself occupied while I was tracking down those petty government officials in those tiny African nations, and so he had learned. I had just never driven with him before.

Roddy had cranked up the engine and was seated behind the wheel, his fingers drumming on it impatiently as the engine revved. He barely waited for me to close the passenger side door before he stomped heavily on the accelerator, and the little MG leapt forward. It was a good thing it was so late. The streets of London were fairly empty, and we got out of Town without any mishaps.