Chapter 103

“Enough!” Thomas thundered, very much the captain who had led his men against the Hun. “This…this pissing contest is getting us nowhere.”

Sayer averted his eyes, and Thomas waited until I did the same.

Thomas continued. “In good conscience, Warrick, I cannot allow you to roam the countryside. These are my people, too.”

I had myself under control once more. “I…I understand. I don’t want to die.” I had no intention of dying. I had distant relatives in Wales. I’d go there. If any of those fell prey to the wolf…well, how important could they be? No one here in Kent knew of them. Except, perhaps, Father.

“What’s all this nonsense about dying?” Young Dr Cliffe strode into the room, seemingly unconcerned by the tension that was rife in it. “Oh, I say, nasty burn, Mr Warrick. What were you up to?” He was about to shoo Thomas and his lover from the room, but I risked taking hold of my friend’s hand once more.