“Chickens…you’re all nerveless chickens pecking around in the dirt. You’re not risk takers. Real men take risks!”
Since Ryan had no doubts about being a “real man,” he picked up his papers on the proposal and left the room.
By the time he’d left the office that evening, he felt the world was closing in on him. He was supposed to have dinner with Boon, Bear, and Dane at Boon’s house, but he’d be bad company. While on the drive there, he glanced at his gas gauge and saw he needed to fill up. He took the next freeway off-ramp. As the gas flowed into the tank, he thought it best if he steadied himself first with a drink. A drink in a bar, surrounded by the clinks of glasses and the liquids being poured into them, the smell of alcohol and the taste of cherries and olives as it all blended with the muted sounds of patrons talking and laughing would break his dark mood. His day had left him with the threat of a tension headache and he figured a drink would relieve him of that, too.