Chapter 3

“Stay with me, okay? Just until they come to take you to the hospital.” He didn’t know if Elijah had hit his head like Kirk, but he thought the experts said to keep the person awake. Didn’t they? Well, he wasn’t sure, but it’s what he intended to do anyway.

“How much longer?”

He glanced toward the sounds. It sounded like they were maybe using axes or something to break in. “Not long I think.”

“You’re still bleeding,” Elijah pointed out.

As if on cue, a trickle of blood streaked down his cheek. Kirk touched the wound and winced. It throbbed and he had a feeling it needed stitches.

“It’s nothing.” He attempted a reassuring smile but worried that he failed when Elijah frowned.

Metal being torn apart and then a man’s voice reached them. “Can anyone hear me?”

“Yeah,” Kirk called back.

“Hang on.”

He blew out a sigh of relief. “See, almost here. How do you feel, Elijah?”

“Kinda weird.”

His heart skipped a beat. “How so?”

“Numb, I think. And very tired.”