Chapter 5


The man wheeling Elijah Cartwright stopped the chair just a few paces from where Toby stopped his. The man, very tall and movie-star handsome with dark, perfectly coiffed hair and blue eyes much like Elijah’s, gazed at him quizzically.

“You know this guy, Eej?” the man asked, pronouncing it with an exaggerated double eand jasound.

Elijah’s face lit up with a smile. “Yes, this is my rescuer. The man I told you about.”

“They told me you didn’t make it,” Kirk blurted out.

“As you can see, here I am,” Elijah said with a little laugh. “Kirk, right?”

Elated at seeing Elijah alive, he grinned like an idiot. “Yes. I’m so glad you’re all right.”

“Well,” said the man with him, “I wouldn’t go that far. I’m Lucas Cartwright.” His gaze went quickly from Kirk to Toby, where it lingered.

“OMG, theLucas Cartwright? The one who stars in the detective show on cable television?” Toby squealed. He stared hard at the man. “It isyou!”