The drive back to his apartment was silent. He didn’t know what Harry was thinking, but Elijah was trying to figure out the nicest way to get rid of Harry. The man was notcoming into his apartment.
As Harry’s car pulled into the parking lot, Elijah said, “I’m afraid you won’t be able to come in after all, Harry. I forgot I was expecting someone tonight.”
Elijah was about to say his brother when he noticed Kirk leaning against his front door. His heart racing, he swallowed. “Him.”
Harry pulled up to the curb. “Who is that?”
Kirk had straightened from the door and now made his way to the car as Elijah opened the passenger door. He bent his head to the side. “Elijah, that’s not your father, is it?”
Stifling a laugh, he shook his head. “No, this is Harry, my date.”
“Oh.” Kirk stared the man down. “Hello.”
“This is…my friend, Kirk.”
Harry frowned. “You have another date after me, Elijah?”