
Chapter 3

In the distance, somewhere behind me and among the great pines, his sister growled and grunted in bear form for his attention, interrupting us. Pihu was her name, three years younger than Timber; another bear shifter who was stunning with long black hair and matching eyes when she took human form. As a bear, protected by her clan, including Timber, she was half his size, a silky black hue, and a good caretaker of her younger brothers, loved by all in her family, including her older brother, Timber.

“My sister bear,” he grumbled at me. “She wants me to stop this with you.”

“You have to go.”

“She won’t leave me until I do.”

“Does she hate me for hurting you?”

He nodded. “She’ll grow. Give her time. She has a good heart, even if she can’t forgive you right now.”

“Will she hurt me?”

“Perhaps. I’m not sure. But I’ll keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn’t. I promise. Even if you’ve stung me in the past.”