“You look young,” he said, eyeing Davis up and down. This didn’t seem to bother him.
“I’m twenty-four. You have a problem with young professionals?”
“You don’t look like you’ve been alive long enough to develop a professional taste for alcohol,” said Dom. Davis laughed, the sound slick like the rest of his voice, and gave Dom a wink.
“Well, we’re not all good boys when we’re underage.”
Dom glared and Kiko decided it was a good idea to guide Davis’ attention back to him.
“If you’re on the hunt for quality beverages, Davis, you might want to consider talking to Buddy Miller over there. I don’t specialize in alcohol.”
Davis turned his slimy grin on Kiko.
“Oh, I know who Buddy is.” He took a drink. “Don’t tell me you don’t even do eggnog. Traditional. Perfect for the holidays?”
Kiko returned a smirk.
“It’s not worth the stars on Sander’s restaurant. He’s tried and rejected it before.”