Chapter 6

Diversity. Shit, if they only knew about Caleb.

Garr took another turn and watched the gauge inside the stripped down Toyota. He wanted to go faster so he pressed the accelerator to see if the tires could handle the turn he planned to make. Winning was key to survival in NASCAR—that and placing in the top races for the Sprint Cup series. Finishing first or second meant money, endorsements, and points. More points meant racing for the Chase for the Sprint Cup Championship. Youngblood Racing only had two racers: Garr and Caleb. But Earl had grounded Caleb after a recent short track win up in North Carolina. Dad didn’t say why, either. It wasn’t due to loop data because Caleb kept up with Garr. In fact, Caleb often outraced Garr lately in run data, but Garr seemed to average higher on the turns.

Garr looked behind him and wished Caleb was on the same track. They’d practiced countless times. How to box a car in, how to draft to get more speed, how to punch through on the track.