Chapter 10

Giving it up as a lost cause, Mars went into the bedroom. Nice. Great bed. It was a king-size with a brown headboard and a comforter in shades of brown to match. A picture flashed through his mind of him and Dylan putting the bed to good use. Where the hell did that come from? Yeah, it’s been too long since I’ve had sex, but holy shit! He shook his head to clear it and set to work packing as many of Dylan’s clothes into the backpack as possible, thankful once again he’d opted for a large one.

Still, there wasn’t room for everything, so he went into the kitchen in search of a plastic bag or two for the rest. “Bingo,” he muttered when he saw the laptop sitting on the kitchen table. He found the bags he needed, picked up the laptop and its power cord, and returned to the bedroom to finish up. At the last moment, he remembered Dylan’s heavy jacket and got it from the hall closet.