“Because there could be times when trying to stop a guy we’re after might involve making him think you’re interested in him. It helps if you can make it seem real.”
“Hang on a damned second. I’m not going to prostitute myself to catch some bastard.”
“We wouldn’t ask you to. You don’t have to fuck him. Just make it seem like you might. There are occasions when that will get a subject to open up and tell you things he might not reveal if he thinks you’re trying to be his friend, and that’s all.”
Dylan nodded slowly. “Okay, that makes sense. As long as it doesn’t involve pillow talk. Well,” he qualified, “unless the guy’s damned sexy and it’s the onlyway to get what I’m looking for.” He realized what he’d said sounded bad, after having just protested he wouldn’t go that route.
* * * *