“What we need,” Jonah replied as they headed down to the operations room. When they got there, he gave Ken the two cards, asking him to move the information on them to one of the computers so everyone could see what Mars and Dylan had photographed.
After Ken did, he put the pictures up on the big screen, scrolling through them.
“Stop,” Dylan said, when it got to the two he’d taken of the window at the back of the warehouses. “Can you zoom in?”
Ken did, until the image of a man came into focus. The face was blurry, as if the man was turning away, but…
“It could be Webb,” Dylan said hesitantly. “The shape of the face, the age, the crewcut…Yeah, I’m fairly certain it’s him.”
“Bingo,” Mars said. “We have a definitive connection now.”
“Ken, you’re up,” Jonah said.