Chapter 48

“At least we’re both almost ready to crawl into bed.” Mars took off his robe, tossing it on a chair.

Dylan stripped off his jeans, putting them on the chair, too, then after a moment’s hesitation, added his briefs to the pile while Mars pulled back the bedcovers, and settled down on his side, eyeing Dylan.

“You are one of the sexiest men I know,” Mars commented, laughing when Dylan’s reply was to yawn again as he joined Mars. Mars wrapped him in a snug embrace, murmuring “Sleep well.”

“I will…now.” Dylan managed to return the kiss Mars gave him before his eyes closed and he slept. 11

Very late the next morning, Mars and Dylan made it down to the kitchen. Bart was there, assuring them he was fine. “The shot was in-and-out, missing bone, so I’ll be back in working condition sooner than later.”

“You went to the hospital?” Dylan asked.