Chapter 80

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“Jonah, we may have a problem,” Ken said.

Jonah turned from the computer he was using in the operations room to look at Ken. “Of what sort?”

Ken beckoned him over, pointing to the monitor. “This is the third time in the last two days someone has been checking out the house. Whoever it is, he’s smart and knows what he’s doing. He’s obviously aware we must have a security setup along the edge of the grounds. He doesn’t know there’s more to it than what he’d expect.” Ken tapped a moving blip on the screen. It was red, with a blue halo around it.

“Have you been able to get any shots of whoever it is?”

“Nope. He’s staying just out of camera range, as if he knows they must be there somewhere. The first time I picked up on him, he had an animal, presumably a dog, with him. But not since then.”

“Doing recon for a burglary, or something more?” Jonah asked pensively. “The Feldman mansion was robbed three nights ago.”

“Yeah, I saw that on the news.”