Chapter 29

“You made it okay, I see,” Bruce greeted me and stepped back so I could enter. He closed the door behind me.

“It wasn’t that hard to find.”

I looked around the living room. It was sparsely furnished, and a few bookshelves took over one wall. They were stuffed full of tomes. A glass door to my left led to a deck overlooking a view of fresh cut grass and shady trees. I headed in that direction.

“This place is amazing,” I said as I took it all in.

“Glad you like it. Here’s a Guinness, since I know you like them.”

I hadn’t realized he’d disappeared for a second while I’d been entranced by the scene before me. I took it from him with a murmured “thank you,” and sat next to him on one of the chairs nearby. “How long have you lived here?”

“Six years or so. It was the view that sold me on it. The neighborhood isn’t bad, either.”

“You certainly lucked out,” I said, and then drank half of the bottle. “How’s work been?”