Chapter 4

“Is he a freak?” Carlos asked.

“Who, Fess? Nah. Just someone who recognized me at that bachelorette party I was telling you about.”

“What was he doing at a bachelorette party?”

“You didn’t ask me that when you heard I was going.”

Carlos lifted a single, heavy eyebrow.

“He was the stripper,” Joe said. “You should’ve seen his costume. He goes by the name Davy Cockett.”

“Let me get this straight. You just turned down a date with a stripper who thinks you’re the best thing to come along since bacon-flavored lube? Are you sick or something?”

“No, but I’m not dating somebody I don’t know. You heard him. He’s a fan. That’s just asking for trouble.”

“How exactly do you think people get to know each other, my friend? And Craigslist doesn’t count.”

Joe grimaced and made a gagging noise. “Give me credit for a little taste.”