Chapter 6

Especially since Fess answered him as if it was a serious accusation.

“Everything but this. I don’t want you talking yourself out of it right when I finally get a chance with you.”

Though he was never going to understand why Fess kept saying shit like that, he’d take his advice for the moment. “I’ll see you in a couple hours, then.”

* * * *

The Hollywood Grill wasn’t haute cuisine, but it was cheap, it was filling, and best of all, it was always open when Joe got off work. The kitschy decor featured the typical movie memorabilia, bright and comforting in its familiarity, but sitting in the booth by the window, Joe felt anything but. The paper from his straw sat in a shredded pile next to his second Diet Coke, the broken lines of the tic-tac-toe game he’d played against himself dried in the ring of condensation.