“I think we all get like that at some point in our lives,” he said softly. “It’s a matter of deciding the change is worth the risk.” When Joe looked back at him again, a fresh query bright in his eyes, Fess decided to quit while he was ahead. “You should get going if you plan on getting any sleep.”
Joe gave him a reluctant nod. “You have anywhere to be today?”
“Nope, day off.” He began backing up, unwilling to turn away from Joe until he absolutely had to. “Talk to you tonight?”
The smile he got was slow, but genuine. “Yeah.”
Fess drove back to his apartment with the memory of those last moments playing over and over in his head. It was progress, even if it was slow, but if he wanted any hope of making this work, he had to take the wins as they came.
His phone vibrated in his pocket as he unlocked his apartment door. When he pulled it out, his pulse skipped a beat. Joe.
“That was quick,” he said, keeping his tone light. “Did I forget something at the restaurant?”