Chapter 11

“I’m good either way,” Joe said when he broke his silence. “It all depends on the guy and the moment.”

Fess held his breath. The answer was better than he’d hoped. “And me?”

“The same.” It was almost a whisper, so soft he could’ve missed it. “You were right. I did check you out when you walked in. I’d be an idiot not to want a taste of that.”

He was starved for details, but Joe had already come so far in this conversation, Fess wasn’t willing to press his luck. “I better start planning what that second date is going to be, then. So we can both get what we want.”

“Who says I don’t put out until the third date?”

“Honestly? I’d wait for the hundredth if it meant we did it right.” His hand was shaking, his body too tight to keep this up without turning his focus to his needy cock. “Listen, you’ve got to sleep, so why don’t you go do that? I’ll talk to you tonight.”

“Oh, sure, like I’m going to be able to sleep now.” He sounded like he was smiling.