The best part was when Joe chose to nibble around the crown, tiny bites that didn’t hurt so much as heighten the sensations when Joe would lick over them again. Fess whined like a bitch in heat when that happened.
The ending barreled toward him sooner than he anticipated, but he was too far gone to do anything but embrace the coming inferno. He cupped Joe’s head between his hands, rocking slightly to fuck Joe’s mouth until Joe took the hint, inhaled deeply through his nose, and buried Fess’s cock in his throat.
He lost it. Frankly, Fess was shocked he hadn’t lost it sooner. His orgasm ripped through him, pulling a gargled shout past his lips, as his entire body turned into one lone nerve ending, forever singed by the constriction of Joe’s throat. Vaguely, he felt Joe swallowing each blast, but that just prolonged the bliss, seconds upon seconds where the whirlwind caught him, buffeting him back and forth until it allowed him to melt into the couch.